A Handy Rust Cheat Sheet for Beginners

A Handy Rust Cheat Sheet for Beginners

1. Variables and Data Types

  • Declare a variable (immutable by default):

      let variable_name = value;
  • Declare a mutable variable:

      let mut variable_name = value;
  • Specify a data type:

      let variable_name: data_type = value;
  • Common data types:

    • Integer: i32, u32, i64, u64

    • Floating-point: f32, f64

    • Boolean: bool

    • Character: char

    • String: String

    • Array: [T; N] (T: type, N: length)

    • Tuple: (T1, T2, T3) (T1, T2, T3: types)

2. Control Flow

  • if statement:

      if condition {
          // code
      } else if other_condition {
          // code
      } else {
          // code
  • loop statement (infinite loop):

      loop {
          // code
  • while loop:

      while condition {
          // code
  • for loop:

      for variable in iterable {
          // code

3. Functions

  • Define a function:

      fn function_name(parameter: data_type) -> return_type {
          // code
  • Call a function:


4. Enums and Pattern Matching

  • Define an enum:

      enum EnumName {
  • match statement:

      match value {
          EnumName::Variant1 => {
              // code
          EnumName::Variant2 => {
              // code
          EnumName::Variant3(variable) => {
              // code
          _ => {
              // code

5. Error Handling

  • Result enum for error handling:

      enum Result<T, E> {
  • match statement with Result:

      match result {
          Ok(value) => {
              // code
          Err(error) => {
              // code
  • ? operator for propagating errors:

      let result = function_returning_result()?;

6. Collections

  • Create a vector:

      let mut vector = Vec::new();
      // or
      let vector = vec![value1, value2, value3];
  • Create a hash map:

      use std::collections::HashMap;
      let mut hash_map = HashMap::new();
  • Create a hash set:

      use std::collections::HashSet;
      let mut hash_set = HashSet::new();

Detailed CheatSheet: